Leclerc explains how ‘very stressful’ throttle issue affected his race

发布的日期:July 11 2022-Editor

法拉利的查尔斯·莱克莱克(Charles Leclerc)在奥地利大奖赛上走上轨道。斯皮尔伯格,2022年7月。

法拉利的查尔斯·莱克莱克(Charles Leclerc)受到了一个油门问题的影响,这威胁了他在奥地利大奖赛的闭幕式中领先。

比赛恢复时,莱克莱克(Leclerc)在马克斯·维斯塔彭(Max Verstappen)上的领先优势大约是四秒钟,这是在卡洛斯·塞恩兹(Carlos Sainz)的法拉利(Ferrari)动力部队(Ferrari Power Mutt)部署了一辆虚拟安全车之后。

两国领导人有了合适的机会fresh tyres under the VSC, Leclerc and Verstappen traded blows as the Dutch driver did his best to catch up on the Monegasque and apply the pressure for a race win.




“It was really the pedal that was feeling weird. First at pick up and then, at the end, it would not come back to zero. But yeah, luckily it went until the end of the race.”

Leclerc’s pace remained consistent in the 1:08s despite the problem, withVerstappen充其量只能关闭十分之少的圈 - 荷兰司机关闭到在方格旗下落后1.5秒。

Max Verstappen和Charles Leclerc向球迷们挥手。奥地利2022年7月

莱克莱尔(Leclerc)说,尽管他很好地按摩了他生病的F1-75房屋,但他说,他在冷却圈中“真的很害怕”,后来在团队广播中进行了解释了它如何影响他的方法to the final laps.

“[It was] not only a little bit stressful, very stressful!” he laughed.

“The throttle was really inconsistent and, in the middle of the corner, it would get stuck to whatever percentage, so in Turn 3 it was very, very tricky because that’s where you don’t want any more speed in mid-corner, so yeah, it was quite tricky to manage. Not so much in the high speed, but mostly in the slow speed but, at the end, we managed to get the car to the end, which is great.

“ []有很多升降机和海岸,以了解我会进入一个角落。Not much more than that, to be honest, than just playing with the throttle on and off to try and… whenever it felt too bad, to have a bit less throttle in the corner, so yeah, it wasn’t easy, but yeah, it’s fine.”

自四月以来,第一次回到领奖台的第一步Australian Grand Prix勒克莱尔(Leclerc)说,在一场比赛后,结果乞求后,他终于赢得了一场比赛,他感到非常放心。



法拉利显然有Red Bull在比赛当天,尽管Verstappen的杆位和Sprint排位赛的胜利,Leclerc说他从未怀疑汽车的性能。

