Haas staff turnover was up 20% as people lacked belief in comeback

Sam Cooper
HAAS VF-22侧面的特写镜头。匈牙利,2022年7月。

Guenther Steinersays around 20% more people than normal left Haas as they did not believe they had the ability to produce a comeback.


米克·舒马赫(Mick Schumacher)和尼基塔·马兹平(Nikita Mazepin)以及对他们的财务生存的持续怀疑的两名新秀以米克·舒马赫(Mick Schumacher)和尼基塔·马兹平(Nikita Mazepin)的形式形式,对哈斯(Haas)的未来看起来黯淡,他们确实需要2022赛季才能取得成功。

事实证明,成功将在第一场比赛中实现。凯文·马格努森(Kevin Magnussen)暂时被送入替换Mazepin的通知,他在复出比赛中获得了P5,并在一场比赛中为球队获得了比过去两个整个赛季中取得的得分要多。

尽管高水平的成功率略有下降,但团队仍然经常具备积分挑战,VF-22已证明自己是快速汽车,尤其是在潮湿的情况下。Haasteam principal Steiner has revealed 20% more staff left the team when they were in the doldrums, but he does not hold a grudge.

“有些人离开了;我要说的是比正常营业额多20%,”斯坦纳告诉赛车手. “There was more than one reason, but for sure some people didn’t believe we would come back.

“It was mainly people who were not there for a long time – most of the people who were there for a long time, they stayed, because I think they believe in the team and they like this team and the atmosphere; what we are doing. Most of them.

“We have got quite a good bunch of people who are still here since day one or day two. I think that shows that people believed in it, but I wouldn’t say it was difficult because I am always of the opinion that if somebody doesn’t want to stay then there’s no point holding them back.

“You can tell them, you can explain what we are going to go through, but I wouldn’t offer them money to stay if somebody doesn’t believe in it anymore. And I’m not getting upset, either – you just need to make the move, because some people left and some people now call us to ask if they can come back because they realised that the neighbour’s grass is actually not greener.

“So they went to other teams and then they called back saying ‘Oh, if there is an opening coming up, would you consider me?’. ‘Sure!’ If an opening is coming, I’m not a guy who holds a grudge. If you left because you thought somewhere was better or you made an improvement in your career which we cannot give you, fine with me.”

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“您需要更大的船” - Guenther Steiner和Haas的伟大复出

如果您曾经在Twitter上度过任何时间,毫无疑问,您会遇到一张越来越大的船旁边的Guenther Steiner的照片。

The origin of the meme dates back to the latest series of Netflix’s Drive to Survive in which Steiner, in his seemingly eternal quest to secure funding, poses next to a children’s play boat for the German supermarket Aldi. The image went viral and soon Haas themselves had christened it the Steiner Ship and photoshopped a bigger boat every time the team did well.

The fact that the latest image is of Steiner next to a double decker sailboat is a physical representation of just how well the season is going.

Following on from Magnussen’s P5, the team picked up small but fairly consistent point tallies but found themselves beginning to lag behind as other teams brought upgrades, something Haas were unwilling to do.

但是,伴随着舒马赫的形式,team turned a corner at the British Grand Prix. Having gone three races without both cars crossing the line, suddenly not only did both finish, but they did so within the points, the first points of Schumacher’s career.

他们随后在奥地利的P8和P6进行了比赛,并通过舒马赫(Schumacher)展示了这辆车的直线速度,能够在冲刺中延续刘易斯·汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)的梅赛德斯(Lewis Hamilton)的梅赛德斯(Mercedes)。

The upgrade package was eventually brought in for the Hungarian Grand Prix and while they failed to score points in the final race before the summer break,Magnussen is confident in stating he believes they have “hit the bullseye.”
